Monday, July 27, 2009

Great news

I got a really good news last Thursday night! I got an email from Monash, It said that student can defer the subject of AFW 2020 Cost info the reason is because It had a disruption during the exam time. What happened on that day was a white guy arguing with an examiner due to his calculator did not have the sticker of Monash approved that's why examiner did not allow the white guy to use the calculator. The white guy was screaming and shouting in the exam hall even they went outside the door we can listen also. Because of the issue, I can defer my Cost Info that the paper I failed in my Uni life. On the other side means that I can retake the exam in week 5 and I can still keep my record that I never failed any subject in my Uni life. I'm really damn happy. I will work hard on this semester and next semester. Actually I have started to study and follow up my units since the 1st week of semester start. I will keep in on till the exam finish. I feel that I really got too much luckiness from the god in this two years. I really don't hope that I still rely on this luckiness anymore. The feel is like if I use this kind of luckiness too much, my life will be reduced by the god or I will be facing any disaster soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


最近天气怎的遭透了。 气温逐渐下降,狂风吹个不停,很多人都生病了。我之前也病了好几天,有一两天连床也下不了,可能是我刚从Sydney回来,没休息够就忙着接应刚从马来西亚来澳洲的好朋友,加上没睡够和那讨人厌的天气,我刚Sydney回来Melbourne机场的时候就只有三度。不过,我非常感谢Hann这好兄弟在我病卧在床的时候好好的照顾我,对我无微不至,还煮粥给我吃,虽然那粥不像粥,不过有心就好,这恩我必会回报
其实,心里除了每天出现"Cost Info"这个字(是我不及格的那科,还出现很多的问号。何谓人生? 何谓朋友? 永远都没有个肯定的答案。脑中有很多的大道理,就是不知要怎么写成文章。矛盾啊!
